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Staff Counselling Centre


The Staff Counselling Centre is not an emergency service

Please see below for whom to contact in an emergency if you have immediate concerns about your wellbeing or mental health

Contact your GP

Outside normal surgery hours, the Urgent Care Cambridgeshire service is available

NHS 111

In England call 111 for 24-hour emergency medical advice and information. It provides 24-hour access, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to mental health care, advice and support. 

Service detail | CPFT NHS Trust

For urgent mental health support call 111, select option 2 and speak to a mental health professional 24/7.

A member of the First Response Service will talk with you to assess your needs and support may involve telephone support, a face to face assessment or referral on to another service.

Please note that if your situation is a medical emergency you should attend A&E at Addenbroke's Hospital.


Other urgent service details

Samaritans - Freephone Helpline - 116 123

Samaritans | Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy | Here to listen

Cambridge Samaritans

Contact Us | Samaritans

You can talk to someone on the phone or by email or letter.

Open 24 hours and 365 days.

SARC - Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Tel 0800 193 5434    - 24/7 Free phone - NB You will need call to make an appointment before attending the centre

The Elms SARC (Cambridgeshire) - Home

Addenbrooke's Accident and Emergency (A & E)

Addenbrooke's Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge
Tel: 01223 217118

Open 24 hours

Urgent Care Cambridgeshire

Appointments can be made by calling 111

This is not a walk in centre and appointments must be made over the phone.

Cambridge Police

Cambridge police station - 01223 358966
39 Parkside, Cambridge CB1 1JG