Autism in the Therapy Room
Exploring the benefits and challenges of working with this client group using current academic findings and clinical experiences
Friday 12th July 2019
10am - 4pm
Postdoc Centre @ Eddington
Eddington Place
Cambridge CB3 1AS
Booking information ******* SOLD OUT *******
Earlybird Registration fee £95 (until 30th April)
Standard Registration fee £115
(price includes lunch and refreshments)
Book ticket
Convenor: Michelle Reynolds, Head of Staff Counselling
Autism brings both benefits and challenges to society. This conference aims to deliver a greater understanding of autism, drawing on both research findings and clinical experience. Our Keynote speaker, Professor Francesca Happé, will focus on perhaps the least well-known and understood aspects of autism; namely female presentation and co-morbidity. Our three clinical presenters will demonstrate their experience through different therapeutic modalities and settings; Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Couples Work.
Keynote Speaker: Professor Francesca Happé
Thinking about Autism, mental health and women
Dr Alison Jenaway & Dr Theresa Turner
Cognitive Analytic Therapy approaches in people on the Autistic Spectrum
Dr Debbie Spain
Individual and Group CBT for adults with Autism
Allan Turner
Autism Traits in Couples Counselling